Plant based Fenugreek Snack Bite


1 cup of fresh fenugreek leaves, wash and finely chopped

1 cup millet  ( bajri) flour

2 tablespoons oil

1/4 teaspoon ajwain seed

1/2 teaspoon cumin seeds

1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder

1 teaspoon red Kashmir chili powder ( just for colors )

1 fresh green chili wash and chopped finely ( optional )

Salt to taste

Need some extra oil for shallow frying


1: In a bowl mix flour, ajwain seed, cumin seeds, turmeric, red Kashmir chili powder, salt, and oil, mix all together very well, then add fenugreek leaves, and mix all together.

2: Then add water little by little and make a tight dough, cover and keep 15 minutes. Then take the dough and kneed for about 3 to 4 minutes, then make a small penny size piece.

3: Then put the pan on the stove, medium-low heat, add oil in. (not too much because we are shallow frying them ) meanwhile make the shape of the dough is long and round with your both hand, you can see in the picture. Then put in a pan and let fry them for a minute or 2 until nice and golden brown, then turn them over and keep and moving, until they are golden brown from all over, take them out and put in a dish ( make sure you have a paper towel in a dish ) repeat until you finish all.

Look this is ready to eat.

Note: This is plant-based, allergies friendly, vegan, gluten-free, dairy-free, nut-free.You can keep an airtight container on the counter for a day or two, and refrigerate for a week.

Note: you can eat with sun butter or ketchup, or with these chickpeas deep. Look for the deep recipe on veganrasoi.







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